They Are Buying From These 10 Altcoin Projects On The Fall!

Some huge wallets, closely followed by whale watcher WhaleStats, continued to purchase millions of dollars in altcoins during the market-wide correction. According to the data, the largest deposits occur around the layer-2 ETH solution Polygon (MATIC), the FTX exchange token (FTT), the oracle network Chainlink (LINK), the DeFi protocol Aave (AAVE), and the NFT token market Enjin Coin (ENJ). In this article, we take a look at the biggest whale transactions for January 8.

An Ethereum whale buys millions of AAVE and LINK

The 557th largest Ethereum whale spent just over $36.5 million with 1 million FTX Tokens (FTT) and just over $8.8 million with 4 million MATICs. According to WhaleStats, the deep-pocket wallet also purchased 17,893 AAVEs for $3.6 million and 61,401 LINK for approximately $1.5 million. WhaleStats also reports that the fourth largest whale on the Ethereum network, known as Light, has recently carried 624,989 ENJs worth about $1.5 million. Another trend seen among whales during the most recent crypto market pullback is that they are buying dollar-pegged stablecoins and gaming altcoins.

Whales collect these altcoin projects from bottom prices Top ten tokens bought by ETH whales in the last 24 hours, top altcoins ETH, Stablecoins USD Coin (USDC) and Tether (USDT), LINK, MATIC, Wrapped Bitcoin (WBTC), according to a list compiled by WhaleStats – win token Yield Guild Games (YGG), crypto exchange MXC Foundation (MCX), ENJ and gaming altcoin Gala Games (GALA). The largest amounts of tokens purchased by whales are USDC and USDT, with 77,952 and 64,077 coins, respectively.

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