These 6 Altcoins Are Running A Record!

Bitcoin (BTC) is up 2% in one day and seems to be pushing $49,000. The 24-hour charts of Ethereum, Cardano, BNB are also in green. Still, the largest cryptocurrencies by market cap gained 2-5 percent, while 6 altcoins gained more than 10 percent.

The most rising altcoin becomes REN, ZEN rises with Coinbase listing

Ren’s REN token, an open protocol built to provide interoperability and liquidity between different Blockchain platforms, has risen as much as 23.5 percent in the last 24 hours. Recently, a bridge has been established between Arbitrum and BTC via the Ren, and users can now buy and sell renBTC and wrappedBTC at low gas fees.

Second, Horizen’s ZEN token, an interoperable blockchain system powered by a decentralized node infrastructure, surged 22.8 percent. As we have also reported, last night, Coinbase Pro, one of the largest cryptocurrency exchanges, listed ZEN. ZEN continues to gain momentum after this announcement.

Automated market maker SushiSwap’s governance token SUSHI, released as a Uniswap fork, rose 18.8 percent. SUSHI has integrated many chains into the network. Most recently, it announced its integration with Impermax Finance.

Other rising coins: SNX, RUNE and REV

Synthetix (SNX) is a decentralized finance (DeFi) protocol that provides on-chain exposure to a wide variety of crypto and non-crypto assets. The protocol is based on the Ethereum (ETH) Blockchain and provides users with access to highly liquid synthetic assets (synths). Synthetix’s SNX token is also among the highest risers in the last 24 hours, with 16.99 percent.

Legendary Analyst Made a Bomb Forecast on This Altcoin Project!

THORChain’s governance token RUNE, a decentralized liquidity protocol that allows users to easily exchange crypto assets between various networks without losing full custody of their assets, gained 16.79 percent. THORChain recently reactivated BNB Chain.

Most recently, the REV token of Revain, an online platform for Ethereum-based token reviews designed to allow developers to receive constructive feedback on their projects, rose 14.02 percent.

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