These 4 Meme Coins Are Flying!

Some meme coin projects like Dogecoin and Shiba Inu have made strong gains over the past 24 hours. We transfer these coins as…

These 4 meme coins surpass SHIB and DOGE

While meme coins such as DOGE, SHIB, and FLOKI were stable, similar cryptocurrencies continued to rise. First off, Red Inu (REDINU) is up over 100 percent in the past day. It is worth noting that at the time of writing, he encountered a slight retreat. Red Inu describes itself as an NFT gaming token with reverberations on Binance USD. The token announced on Twitter that it was newly listed on CoinMarketCap on Sunday.

Second, Shira Inu (SHR) rose 43.94 percent. Shira Inu describes itself as a revolutionary combination of decentralized finance (DeFi)-NFT Collectibles and GameFi technologies. ShibaJump (SHIBJUMP), on the other hand, has declined by more than 50 percent at the time of writing. ShibaJump says it is a token on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) that will provide benefits and gaming features to all its holders. The token announced that it has just been listed on CoinMarketCap and has surpassed $1 million in market cap in less than 24 hours.

Finally, Baby Doge Coin (BabyDoge), which has risen by more than 33 percent in the past day, came to the fore. Baby Doge Coin, which calls Dogecoin the “nipple dad,” announced on Twitter that nearly five quadrillion Baby Doge tokens worth $11.5 million had been burned.

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