These 4 Altcoins Are Soaring!

Bitcoin (BTC), the largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization, is down 1.2 percent, while the largest meme coins Dogecoin (DOGE) and Shiba Inu (SHIB) are also experiencing slight decreases. On the other hand, in the last 24 hours, 4 altcoins in the top 100 by market capitalization experienced the highest rise. We examine them as…

DOGE, Decentraland (MANA) remains bullish as sHIB falls

While most of the cryptos known today are traded on the red board, metaverse tokens managed to achieve double-digit gains. The first of these was Decentraland (MANA). Decentraland is a virtual reality game, or rather, a virtual life platform powered by cryptocurrency and built on the Ethereum Blockchain; According to CoinMarketCap statistics, it has gained 23.73% in the last 24 hours.

On the other hand, IoTeX, which started as an open source project in 2017, rose 19.89 percent. IoTeX has built a decentralized platform whose purpose is to power the open economy for machines. Having recently partnered with PlaceWar Games, IoTeX held a conference with Relay Chain, Pocket Network.

CHZ and SAND also rose

In third place is Chiliz (CHZ). CHZ rose 13.91 percent. Chiliz is the leading cryptocurrency for sports and entertainment by Malta-based FinTech provider. It operates blockchain-based sports entertainment platform Socios, which allows users to participate in the management of their favorite sports brands.’s multi-fan tokens are an example. For sports clubs and associations, fan tokens provide a way to connect with their fans and unlock new revenue streams. Chiliz has recently partnered with Kraft Sports & Entertainment.

Finally, The Sandbox’s SAND token is up 12.7 percent. Launched by Pixowl in 2011, The Sandbox is a blockchain-based virtual world that allows users to create, build, buy and sell digital assets in the form of a game. Sandbox combines the strengths of decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) and immutable tokens (NFTs), creating a decentralized platform for a thriving gaming community.

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