The World’s Worst Smelling Chemical: Thioacetone

Imagine a chemical that spreads hundreds of meters in seconds, even a single drop, making countless people vomit. Today we will tell you about thioacetone, the worst smelling chemical in the world.

One of our senses with which we can sense our surroundings. sense of smellAs well as making us feel very good things, it can also cause us to hear smells that will cause us to escape from the environment. But are there really heavier scents that remain simple compared to other scents?

Think of a scent, whose sole purpose is to smell; which caused hundreds or even thousands of people downwind to vomit and flee in horror. Today you We will talk about a chemical called thioacetone.

The chemical that smellers call “the smell of hell”: Thioacetone

Thioacetone, which is a member of the organic sulfur compound family that is already famous for its bad smell, is considered to be the heaviest smelling chemical in the world, according to studies.. Thioacetone, a compound of (CH3)2CS, is a chemical that exists in liquid form below -20 degrees Celsius. in 1889 Discovered by mistake while working on chemical synthesis in a factory in Germany, thioacetone caused everyone within 750 meters to be affected by the smell. to start vomiting caused. Along with these effects, the smell, which caused panic, was such a bad experience that people were jumping out of the window.

The experiment conducted in 1967 on this substance, which even chemists are afraid to examine, offers us important information.

The most in-depth analysis has been done by Victor Nurnop and Kenneth Latham at the Esso Research Station in the UK. According to this research, many distances of a quarter mile (400 meters) observer placed. After that crude thioacetone A drop of the substance obtained from their crystallization was dropped onto the glass.

The odor emanating from this very small amount of thioacetone dropped, It traveled downwind in seconds and was detected by observers. This chemical, which smells like “hell’s garbage dump”, is famous for its heavy smell as well as its rapid spread. People who smell the chemical may experience fainting, accompanied by vomiting and darkening of the eyes.

Today I bring you the worst smelling chemical in the world. We talked about thioacetone. If you want more content like this, you can write to us in the comments section.


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