The World Has Been Breaking Temperature Records in the Last 12 Months:

It was announced that May was the hottest May on record. It is also among the information received that the world has broken temperature records in the last 12 months. According to experts, much worse days await us.

2023 was recorded as the hottest year in history. However, there has been no relief since then and temperatures have continued to rise, constantly breaking records. So much so that we started to encounter sweltering weather from the beginning of June.

Now, a statement on the subject has been made by the European Union Copernicus Climate Change Service. According to experts, the world Temperature records over the last 12 months broke. It was stated that May was recorded as the hottest May ever.

“These are the colder months”

Global temperatures in May are below pre-industrial average temperatures 1.52 degrees was on it. This means that for 11 months the temperature was at least 1.5 degrees above average. According to data Temperatures from June 2023 to May 2024 are 1.63 degrees above average It was recorded as .

So, as you can see, things are not going well at all. Experts, it will get worse they say and they are worried that it is approaching the threshold in the Paris Agreement. In fact, Carlo Buontempo, director of the Copernicus Climate Change Service, said, “These are the relatively colder monthsHe reveals that much warmer times await us.

Effect of increases in temperatures already felt all over the world started. Wildfires, predictions of devastating hurricanes and extreme temperatures in the USA are indicators that a frightening summer awaits us. The fact that Turkey is already almost fried is also a sign. At the same time, the events that occurred in Afghanistan, Brazil and Indonesia last month floods and in india people dying from heat other examples.

All this shows that moves are not sufficient to reduce the effects of climate change. According to experts, even if record temperatures are interrupted, the risk continues in the long term. But they also say it’s still not too late. Continuing efforts to minimize greenhouse gas emissions may help reduce extreme temperatures in the coming years.


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