The ‘Weekend’ Formula in Face-to-Face Training is at the Door

According to a news in Hürriyet, the Ministry of National Education started to search for a new formula for schools that started face-to-face education. In this context, it is thought that training can be held on the weekend, dual education can be started and teachers can be shifted according to needs.

As of September 6, Turkey entered a new era. which has been closed for as long as 1.5 years schoolshas started face-to-face training again in the shadow of the coronavirus pandemic. Although Health Minister Fahrettin Koca said that the first week of face-to-face training went smoothly, the fact that 200 classes were quarantined, Minister Koca explained his statements. made me think

The new information gained is about face-to-face education. new decisions can be made is showing. According to Hürriyet’s news, the Ministry of National Education is in frequent contact with all ministries and organizes meetings. In fact, it is stated that an extra budget was created for schools within the scope of these meetings, and 1 billion liras were distributed to all schools within the scope of this budget. Moreover, it seems that each school, according to its current conditions. different measures will begin to implement.

It is on the agenda for children to go to school on weekends, too.

In the statements made on the subject, each province to the Ministry of Education It is stated that there is too much work. So much so that the directorates will be able to make separate decisions for all schools under their control. In this context; Decisions such as shifting teachers to schools, conducting weekend education or switching to dual education applicable to the conditions is stated.


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The information obtained indicates that a new era is at hand in schools where face-to-face education has started. a clear indication. However, for now, it is not known how this new period will be. It seems that the government will try to reduce the number of students in the classroom at the same time, thus eliminating the student crowd and reducing the risk of contact. What will happen in schools in the coming days? we will see together.

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