The War Between Meme Coin and AI Coins Continues: Which is the Right Option?

This year, with Bitcoin completing its halving, there was a great movement in the crypto market. But besides Bitcoin, meme coins and artificial intelligence and big data coins also contributed to the upward momentum and attracted the attention of investors. Recently, these sectors have become the focus of investors’ attention due to many positive market factors.

The meme coin industry has a market value of $43.17 billion with a market value of $57.89 billion. artificial intelligence coin outperforms the market. Additionally, the trading volume of meme tokens is $9.17 billion, while the trading volume of AI tokens is $3.31 million.

This year in particular, meme coins have shown the potential to provide investors with greater returns. The increases in the prices of leading meme coins such as DOGE, SHIB and PEPE clearly demonstrate this.

Artificial intelligence and big data tokens also promise unprecedented gains. The increasing adoption and growth of AI (artificial intelligence) globally is an extremely positive factor for the crypto industry.

On the other hand, AI tech giant Nvidia continues to solidify its place in the AI ​​industry, as a stock to watch for direct observation of AI-based crypto tokens. Raising Nvidia’s stock target prices to unprecedented levels creates optimism in the markets for AI tokens.

Additionally, recent reports that Nvidia has plans to partner with Dell to further scale its AI initiatives paint a positive scenario for the long-term outlook for AI-based tokens. However, as noted above, meme coins are appearing more prominently on investors’ radar, which can be attributed to their high short-term return potential.

Expert Commentary for Meme Coin and Artificial Intelligence Coin

As analyst Miles Deutscher noted, PEPE and WIF, a Solana-based meme coin, stand out as the two coins that may have the best risk/return ratio (R/R) in this bull cycle. R/R is a measure used to evaluate the potential return of an investment relative to its risk.

Dogecoin (DOGE) is currently trading at $0.1645, up 8.03% in the last 24 hours. Shiba Inu (SHIB) is trading at $0.00002562, up 6.28%. Pepe coin (PEPE) increased by 18.58% and reached the level of 0.00001118 dollars.

On the other hand, NEAR protocol (NEAR) is at $8.21, up 3.70% in the last 24 hours. Render (RNDR) rose 10.81% to $11.20. The Graph (GRT) is trading at $0.3455 with an increase of 10.66%.

Writer Hasan Hüseyin Lif about :

He is a ‘sociologist’ interested in politics, economy and migration. My interest in blockchain technology first led me to KoinFinans. I have been preparing articles about the industry, especially cryptocurrency news, for about three years.

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