The Strange Story of the Woman Who Couldn’t Be Resolved for Years

Among the mysterious events, undoubtedly one of the most interesting was the death of the woman nicknamed Jeniffer Fairgate. As the investigation deepened, the pit of mystery grew larger. It was the story of a woman with no identity and nothing personal that could be traced, and it is still unknown whether she was murdered or committed suicide.

Located in the heart of Norway’s capital in 1995, Oslo Plaza Hotel It was the scene of a mysterious incident. The incident still remains question marks even after decades.

On a typical evening, a woman using the pseudonym Jennifer Fairgate was shot in the head, had her clothes tags removed, and was unable to reveal her identity. without any personal belongings Let’s go into the details of the mysterious incident in which he was found dead in his hotel room.

One of Norway’s most luxurious hotels was about to witness a horrific event.

On June 3, 1995, at around 19:50, the hotel’s security guard went to check on guest number 2805 because he did not have a payment card registered to the room. Woman, “Fergate” aspect despite signing name “Jennifer Fairgate” It was recorded as .

When the officer knocked on the door, inside suddenly a gunshot echoed. The security guard immediately ran to the hotel’s security manager and informed the police. They went to the room on the 28th floor with the security barrier and opened the door. What he saw was quite disturbing.

There was a gloomy and terrible sight inside, and it became more interesting the more you examined it.

hotel room

A woman’s body, a bullet wound on her forehead and He was lying with a gun on his chest. The room was more than tidy. This was not a simple case of suicide or murder. The more we examined the incident, the more complicated everything became.


Tags had been removed from the clothes, hiding any clues to the woman’s personal tastes. In addition to the fact that there are no items such as wallets and passports in the suitcase, 34 bullets There was. The information and addresses provided in the hotel registration were completely fake. It was obvious that he was hiding his true identity for a reason.

There were so many oddities about the case.

mysterious events

There were no fingerprints, and no one had seen the woman leave or enter the room. It was not possible to find out why the woman stayed in that hotel or any motivation. Although the record states that he is 21 years old, the autopsy He is in his 30s had emerged.

of the incident whether it was murder or suicide It was never resolved. The investigation had reached an impasse due to false identities and documents. Every effort was in vain. As you can imagine, the case caused great repercussions in the media and the public. In fact, there are still people trying to solve it.

Some theories are as follows:


Since the Cold War had just ended and Norway’s strategic importance in global intelligence was well known, this woman you might be a spy There are those who suggest. Some say that because of the ammunition found in the room, the woman may be part of a criminal underworld connected to the arms trade.

According to some, he is struggling with personal problems and is in a place where no one will recognize him. chose to end his life It was a woman. Which theory makes the most sense to you or do you have your own theories? Write in the comments!

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