In a captivating adaptation of Hans Christian Andersen’s tale, Gerda embarks on a perilous journey to rescue her friend Kay from the Snow Queen. This enchanting story inspired Disney’s Frozen, which gained immense popularity. The Comédie-Française’s 2022 theatrical version, featuring stunning visuals and beloved songs, won acclaim and the Molière Award for Best Young Audience Show. Starting December 1st, audiences can experience this magical rendition in cinemas across France, making it a perfect holiday outing for families.
The Enchanting Tale of the Snow Queen
In a world of friendship and adventure, Gerda and Kay share an unbreakable bond. However, their joyful days take a dark turn when Kay, affected by a shattered mirror, transforms into a figure filled with anger. Soon after, he vanishes, taken away by the enigmatic Snow Queen. With no updates on her beloved friend, Gerda embarks on a daring journey across the globe to reunite with her brother at heart. Fearless and determined, she confronts all obstacles and bravely navigates through challenges to reach the legendary Ice Palace in her quest.
This narrative may sound familiar to many. Released in 2013, Disney’s Frozen, the 128th animated classic, became a monumental hit both critically and commercially. The powerful sisterhood between Elsa and Anna, the comedic charm of Olaf the snowman, and the iconic anthem “Let It Go” have captivated audiences globally. Yet, few are aware that this beloved film draws its inspiration from a timeless story by the renowned Hans Christian Andersen, known for masterpieces like The Little Mermaid and The Ugly Duckling.
In a bid to introduce Andersen’s magical tale to contemporary audiences, the prestigious Comédie-Française, a renowned theatrical institution established in the 17th century, brought together its talented members for a captivating adaptation in 2022.
A Perfect Holiday Experience to Enjoy on the Big Screen
A standout success of the 2022-2023 season, this theatrical production has enchanted viewers and critics alike. Did you miss out on this delightful, family-oriented experience? Don’t worry! This holiday season, immerse yourself in the remarkable journey of Frozen, Andersen’s unique rendition, in cinemas!
Since its inception in 2001, Pathé Live has been dedicated to providing cinema enthusiasts with the opportunity to witness some of the most spectacular stage performances on the big screen. If this excites you, you’re in for a treat: the recorded version of the Comédie-Française’s adaptation of Frozen will be showcased in theaters throughout France starting December 1st!
This vibrant and family-friendly adaptation boasts stunning costumes and practical effects, guaranteed to leave audiences of all ages in awe. Additionally, mirroring the Disney classic, the play incorporates various enchanting songs. Johanna Boyé, the talented director, has previously been nominated for the Molière Award for Best Musical for her work on La Dame de chez Maxim and Do I Look Like Arletty?. Her rendition of Frozen, however, triumphed in winning the esteemed Molière Award for Best Young Audience Show in 2023.
Filled with whimsy, humor, and excitement, this version of Frozen is sure to resonate with children and their parents alike, particularly due to the stellar performances of its cast. Notable actors include the exceptional Suliane Brahim (The Swarm, Acid, I Will Always See Your Faces), Danièle Lebrun (A Difficult Year), and Jérôme Pouly (One Night).
Experience the magic of the Comédie-Française’s adaptation of Andersen’s Frozen in cinemas starting December 1st for an unforgettable family outing.