The Platform Guiding Micro-Entrepreneur Candidates: GOODFORYOU

For those who want to start their own business, the steps and things to be done can be confusing and challenging. Operating in the digital EdTech sector, GOODFORYOU provides comprehensive support at low cost by supporting micro-entrepreneurs in this regard.

Almost everyone has a dream of starting a business of their own, suitable for their abilities and goals. But this dream A rather complicated ‘to do’ list of ‘starting a business’ from afar Because of this and not knowing exactly what to do.

Exactly living in this situation; ‘How can I start my own business? seeking an answer guiding micro-entrepreneur candidates, answering all their questions and there is a platform that does all these in a digital environment, easily accessible with a single click; GOODFORYOU.

GOODFORYOU explains what needs to be done in three comprehensive stages to those who want to start their own business;

Making micro-entrepreneurship an accessible option for everyone and people with limited financial resources with the vision of enabling them to have a job GOODFORYOU, which was brought to life by entrepreneur Cem Akın, aims to provide a training and mentoring platform to micro-entrepreneur candidates.

Operating as a digital EdTech company, GOODFORYOU is often alternative to entrepreneurial strategies based on large budgets and huge investments. It offers a different business model.

GOODFORYOU basically has a three-phase plan. These three stages 16-Step Program, 100-Step Startup Guide and Mentoring App appears as.

GOODFORYOU offers micro-entrepreneur candidates with the 16 Step Program how to embark on your business start-up journey, He explains how to set up his business with the 100 Steps to Start a Business Guide and how to stay on track with the Mentoring App.

What does the 16 Step Program include?

GOODFORYOU’s 16 Steps Program explains entrepreneurship in an understandable and entertaining language. Contains 64 videos. In addition to these videos, different tests and personal development exercises are also offered. After this part, which we can call the first stage, comes the second stage, the 100 Steps to Starting a Business Guide.

This guide will guide micro-entrepreneur candidates who want to start their own business throughout their business establishment and business development processes. Answering any questions that may arise as a bedside information repository. In addition to the Guide and the 16 Step Program, GOODFORYOU also has a Mentoring Application.

What exactly does the Mentoring App promise?

You have completed the program, you have studied the manual. You have started to take the first steps in your micro-entrepreneurship journey. At this point GOODFORYOU, aims to continue to provide support at every step. It does this with the Mentoring App.

With this application, which you can access on the Play Store and App Store. 365 days 24/7 needed support via an application is offered. The application offers a strong communication opportunity in entrepreneurship with exclusive videos and content, podcasts, forum and community access.

With the last steps taken by Cem Akın, GOODFORYOU has become more and more integrated into our lives every day. It is also working to integrate artificial intelligence tools into its application. It is aimed to further develop the training and support offered with the artificial intelligence mentoring software to be added to the application. With all these steps, GOODFORYOU aims to increase the success rate of micro-entrepreneurs from 1% to an impressive 10% to 20%.

GOODFORYOU’s goal is to expand by opening offices in England and Europe after America and Turkey;

The testing process and success of the GOODFORYOU training and mentoring platform in Turkey allowed Cem Akın to expand this success globally. Among the plans of the company, which is based in the USA, the platform will be launched in the second quarter of 2023, in addition to the USA and Turkey, Expanding with offices in the UK and Europe is located.

GOODFORYOU and Cem Akın, who have taken steps to make a significant impact on promising micro-entrepreneurs worldwide, Reaching millions of people with the digital EdTech platform and aims to enable them to discover their potential.

If you see yourself as a micro-entrepreneur candidate and the idea of ​​starting your own business as in your dreams appeals to you, you can take a closer look at GOODFORYOU by clicking here.

Let’s take a closer look at Cem Akın, the founder of GOODFORYOU;

of GOODFORYOU what allows micro-entrepreneur candidates to have a good grasp of their questions and problemsThe fact that Cem Akın, the founder of the platform, took all these steps and drew his own path.

Cem AKIN, who started his career as an entrepreneur at the age of 16, first started working as a dealer of an American company. He started his own company at the age of 18. and by creating its own brand in 2008, it achieved significant success in the mattress industry, which the brand is included in. The brand he created received the “Elle Decoration International Design Award” in the best bedroom category in 2011.

In 2020, Cem AKIN developed an innovative business plan that eliminates the high rent burden and facilitates profit sharing between tradesmen and entrepreneurs, providing opportunities for people who want to open their own coffee shop with a minimum capital investment of 35,000 TL. With this strategy 85 dealerships established in just 90 days and within six months 158 branches were operational.

Cem AKIN laid the foundations of GOODFORYOU after moving to New York. experienced Growing interest in digital transformation and entrepreneurshipemerged as the idea of ​​a platform that brings the two together.

While Cem Akın continues to receive investments in America with GOODFORYOU, he continues to share his experiences through different channels. In addition to micro-entrepreneurship workshops held at universities Cem Akın creates a community where these issues can be discussed through his social media accounts.

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