The Plant That Will Help Us Survive On Mars Has Been Determined

Scientists have revealed what was the first plant that humans had to grow in order to survive on the red planet Mars. This plant can be grown in the soil of Mars without any problems and then used as fertilizer.

We know, you say, “We went to Mars and it survived”, but as humanity, we will set foot on Mars in the nearer future than you think. Whether we want to build a life there is debatable, but if we are to build it, we need food.

You remember the movie The Martian, where Matt Damon’s character was growing a few plants there using the greenhouse method when he went to Mars. Scientists in a similar scenario to survive on Mars we can grow they found the most productive plant.

The first plant we should grow on Mars: Alfalfa

The plant we need to grow on Mars, according to scientists’ research clover. Researchers have found that this forage plant covers Mars. can survive in harsh volcanic soil and later determined that it could be used as fertilizer to grow foods such as turnips, radishes, and lettuce.

Previous research has shown that plants won’t grow on the Martian surface without adding extra nutrients to the soil in which they’re placed, this is where clover comes in. It’s hard to get an exact match for it to grow well in Martian soil, but researchers have found that any clover plant without additional fertilizeras well as in the territory of the world revealed that they can grow healthy.


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The simulated Martian soil was then tested with alfalfa added as fertilizer. Turnips, radishes and lettuce Three plants that are low-maintenance, fast-growing and don’t need much water were put to the test and all grown successfully.

There is one problem though: fresh water also needed. But that might not be a problem either, because the research team said the saltwater found on Mars could be purified with a type of marine bacteria and then used to produce the fresh water needed for crop growth. thinks it can float through volcanic rocks. What are you thinking? Please do not forget to share your thoughts with us in the comments.

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