The Oldest and Farthest Known Galaxy Has Been Discovered

The James Webb Space Telescope broke a record by discovering the farthest and oldest known galaxy.

There is a galaxy far away, that galaxy is the oldest and farthest galaxy in the universe we know. Even though we can’t go there, we can see that galaxy: Thanks to the James Webb Telescope. The group of stars called JADES-G5-z14-0 originates from the Big Bang, which is thought to be the beginning of the universe. 290 million years It could be seen in its later form.

age of the universe 13.8 billion Considering that it is, the galaxy may even have vanished today. Although it still exists, we have seen this galaxy with only 2% of its life remaining. The Webb telescope made this discovery, 6.5 meters wide It was carried out using its primary mirror and infrared devices.

The brightness of the galaxy surprised researchers.

Astronomers making statements on the subject say that the most interesting aspect of the observed galaxy is its size and brightness. According to Webb measurements, the galaxy spans more than 1600 light years. In general bright galaxies While their light is produced by the glow of gases falling into a supermassive black hole, young stars are shown as the source of brightness in this galaxy.

Webb astronomers Stefano Carniani and Kevin Hainline, said that the fact that there is so much starlight indicates that the galaxy is several hundred million times the mass of the Sun. How such a large structure emerged in such a short time is another question for scientists.


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