The Obligation to Wear Masks Has Been Completely Removed, Except for Hospitals

Fahrettin Koca, who said that the mask obligation will be lifted according to the course of the case in the past weeks, announced that the mask requirement has been completely removed everywhere in the statement he made today.

existing in our lives for more than two years Covid-19caused both material and moral damages around the world. However, while no new variants have emerged in the last few months, the cases have started to decrease. With the decrease in cases, most of the countries have relaxed their coronavirus restrictions. Now, the expected explanation has come for Turkey as well.

While a decrease in the number of coronavirus cases has been observed in Turkey in the last few months, Health Minister Fahrettin Koca gave the signals that the mask requirement will be completely removed. Explaining that the obligation to wear masks everywhere except public transportation and hospitals has been lifted in the past weeks, Koca said, with his tweet today, that this ban is now abolished. announced that it was completely removed everywhere except hospitals.

Mask requirement has been abolished everywhere except hospitals.

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