The Number of Unfollowers Increased: Why?

Reuters’ 2022 Digital News Report showed that the number of people who stopped following the news both in Turkey and around the world increased this year as well. Many participants in the study stated that the news had a negative impact on their mental health.

Especially in recent years, most of the news we have seen not only in Turkey but also all over the world has started to consist of bad news. The change that these news made on people, which caused us all to be sadder as we saw it, 2022 Digital News Report revealed with.

The report shared by the Reuters Institute included the results of the research conducted with the participation of 93 thousand people in 46 countries, including Turkey. Research, 4 out of 10 people showed that ‘sometimes’ or ‘mostly’ he avoided following the news. This rate has increased by 9% since 2017.

The number of people who stopped following the news has doubled in 5 years in some countries:

The research shows that in some countries such as the UK and Brazil, the number of people who avoid following the news has nearly doubled in the last five years. showed. Among the people participating in the study, 36% of those aged 35 and under said that following the news negatively affects their mental health. Some of the important results obtained in the research were as follows:

  • 43% say that too much coverage is given to politics and coronavirus in the news stream.
  • 47% say they are still very interested in the news feed (down 20% since 2020).
  • 29% state that their confidence in the news has decreased and that the news is ‘unreliable’ or ‘biased’.
  • Traditional news organizations are struggling to reach the younger generation.
  • Young people aged 18 to 24 often consume news through social media platforms.
  • Only 23% of 18-24 year olds use news apps or websites.

What is the situation in Turkey?

  • Only 36% of respondents trust news organizations.
  • 42% trust journalism ‘mostly’.
  • 17% avoid the news on the grounds that it causes arguments with the people around them.
  • 16% say the news makes them feel ‘powerless’.
  • 38% think news organizations are politically polarized and biased.
  • 5% do not follow the news at all.

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