The Number of Investors Reached the Peak The Burn Amount of Meme Coin Increased by 190%!

  • According to a recent report by the platform, the burn rate of Shiba Inu has increased greatly following the number of SHIB investors.

Actively incineration of SHIB and Shiba Inu (SHIB) which is a tracking platform where the community can track the amount of SHIB tokens burned by @shibburnshared that Shiba Inu’s burn rate has seen a huge increase in the last 24 hours.

This wasn’t the Shiba Inu’s only recent success. SHIB has reached a new milestone with the number of holders reaching 1.2 million.

SHIB burning rate increased by 190 percent

ShibaInuHodler A Twitter user named shared a screenshot from the aforementioned website showing that the burn rate of the second-largest meme crypto has increased by 189.16% over the past 24 hours.

During that time, according to Twitter’s Shibburn account, a total of 141,010,050 Shiba tokenwas destroyed and sent to inferno wallets and permanently locked there.

This amount of SHIB was burned in just six transactions this time around. The amount of incineration increased significantly, jumping from 60 million to 141 million.

SHIB investor count reaches ATH

Another blockchain data platform WhaleStatsAccording to , the SHIB community has also reached a new milestone regarding the number of holders of their favorite assets. reached.

According to a recent tweet, the number of SHIB owners has grown to more than 1,195,000. According to the SHIB holder page, the full number is 1.198.132.

Since the end of April, the amount of wallets holding this popular dog crypto has grown by more than 32,000, performing well despite the market downturn. In addition to these, as of now, the top 100 Ethereum whaleIt holds 58,364,331,708,833 Shiba worth $693,254,055.

In a process of continuous development, Shiba Inu still lags behind another meme cryptocurrency, BabyDoge (based on the BNB Chain, SHIB is built on Ethereum). Earlier in the week, as reported by KoinFinans, data was released showing that the number of owners of BabyDoge reached 1,550,000, an increase of 200,000 since February.

You can check the price movements here.

Disclaimer: What is written here is not investment advice. Cryptocurrency investments are high-risk investments. Every investment decision is under the individual’s own responsibility. Finally, KoinFinans and the author of this content cannot be held responsible for personal investment decisions.

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