The Most Productive Agricultural Lands Announced

Scientists, who made the agricultural map of the world and recreated this map in the most productive conditions, announced that carbon emissions could be reduced by 71 percent with the studies to be carried out. This decrease means that the carbon emissions on our planet go back 20 years.

The work of scientists on carbon emissions, which has become a reality of our lives, continues at full speed. This time Cambridge University In a study conducted by a group of scientists working in that carbon emissions can set back 20 years revealed. Let’s move on to the details of that research together.

After removing the world’s existing farmland, scientists found crops such as wheat, barley and soybeans out of 25 main nutrients They conducted a new study. Scientists who examine the efficient use of water resources, reduce transportation costs and the forestation of the lands to be removed from agriculture, actually. on a much smaller land they found that doing more agriculture in a serious way is much more advantageous than the current situation.

Currently, the agricultural lands in the world are as follows:

When we look at the lands currently being cultivated, we see that they are concentrated in the eastern parts of Europe, the USA and Asia. The situation in South America and Africa is also not to be underestimated. fresh water resources for agriculture 70 percent Explaining that a very serious part of it, such as critically important that you did they state.

According to the research, agricultural lands should be:


The map above, which was created according to the research, shows the full carbon emissions in case of redistribution of agricultural land on a global scale. will decrease by 71 percent.. However, there is a very important issue that needs to be realized in order for this to happen. So much so that the lands where agriculture has been abandoned should be left in their natural state and trees suitable for climatic conditions should be planted in the lands. needs to be regenerated. That is, if we restrict the agricultural lands in Turkey as in the second map, we will have to not build on the resulting vacant land.

If a global agreement cannot be reached, the lands that countries will have to farm are as follows:

Reducing carbon emissions with agriculture

Considering the situation in which countries cannot come together and make an agreement, scientists a second mapping effort they did too. Suppose no country made a deal and all countries, only within national borders switched to efficient farming practices. In such a case, the above map should be used. According to experts, the effect of the above map on carbon emissions, will be 59 percent


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So, is Turkey an agricultural paradise as it is thought?

When we look at the current agricultural lands map, we see that agricultural lands are spread throughout Turkey. However, this situation not very efficient looks like. Because, according to the research, in order for Turkey to maximize productivity while farming, only the coastline and part of Southeastern Anatolia. it needs to use. Although the research does not provide data specific to Turkey, we can say that the maps that maximize efficiency and the current situation map are very different…

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