The Most Important Technology News of the Last Year

In recent years, technology has developed faster than ever before. When we examine the studies, we see that the future has already arrived and we are excited about how they will change in the coming days. Let’s take a closer look at the tech news from the past year, some of which you’ll probably hear for the first time.

It is possible to clearly see the rapid change in the developments in the field of technology in recent years, when we compare the thousands of years of humanity with the last century and the last hundred years with the 2000s. So much so that even following these developments through technology news has become dizzying. Studies in technology When you look at it, it is possible to say that the future we see in movies has already arrived.

Especially when we examine the developments in many different fields, As a result of the use of science and technology together in the last year It is possible to see great successes. Sometimes even a small device or simple software can be effective in countless areas. Let’s take a closer look at the tech news from the past year, some of which you’ll probably hear for the first time.

The most important technology news of the last year:

Artificial intelligence and machine learning:

Artificial intelligence studies that have taken place in the last ten years are already This system, which we are familiar with from science fiction movies, He showed that he would gradually enter our lives. Developments in the last year have revealed that artificial intelligence is now indispensable in image recognition, speech recognition, navigation, smart assistants and many more.

Thanks to machine learning, artificial intelligence is no longer working on existing ones. started to make predictions by analyzing the data. Especially in the service sector, it detects customer patterns and offers a more personal experience. It is thought that artificial intelligence works worth 57 billion dollars in 2022 will reach 190 billion dollars by 2025, and until the same year, 9% of the jobs in the market will be done by artificial intelligence.

Robotic Process Automation:

Robotic Process Automation

With the development of artificial intelligence and machine learning, Robotic Process Automation, abbreviated as RPA, emerged. This system It enables tasks to be carried out automatically without human beings. Robotic Process Automation applications interpret, process data, sequence transactions, and answer basic emails. Automation systems are now doing this kind of repetitive work that has been done by people for years.

There are 230 million people in the world working in jobs performed automatically by Robotic Process Automation. RPA and similar automation systems It is thought that 5% of the works will be fully automated and 60% semi-automated in the near future. It is recommended that people who do not want to lose their jobs as a result of the widespread use of automation systems should specialize in these systems.

Quantum computing:

Quantum computing

Although it is similar to quantum physics, it is a version of the phenomena learned in that discipline, used in technology. Quantum computing is a form of computing. Working independently of the source, it queries, analyzes, monitors and predicts new steps much faster and easier. It has been used effectively especially when preparing coronavirus risk maps.

Today big companies like Splunk, Honeywell, Microsoft, AWS, Google quantum computers that do these calculations In addition to using it, it is the pioneer of new developments in this field. It is estimated that more than $2.5 billion will be invested in quantum computing by 2029.

Virtual reality and augmented reality:

virtual reality

Virtual reality VR, augmented reality AR and augmented reality ER; It was originally used to offer players a much more enjoyable gaming experience. however, with the US Navy training using these systems, it was understood that a new era had begun. The world of Metaverse, introduced by the Meta company, also gives an idea about how these systems will develop.



When it comes to blockchain technology, the first Everyone thinks of Bitcoin and similar cryptocurrency exchanges. But this technology means much more. Data is only added to the blockchain, it cannot be removed or changed. This means that any data added to the blockchain will be stored in the most accurate and transparent way. Many industries use this technology as the added data cannot be easily captured by others.

Internet of Things:

internet of things

The Internet of Things, abbreviated as IoT, perhaps one of the most important technological developments that directly affect our lives in recent years. one. Today, almost every device we use can connect to the internet and communicate with us intelligently. More importantly, thanks to the Internet of Things, these devices can also communicate with each other. With the spread of 5G technology, it is thought that more than 50 billion devices worldwide will use the Internet of Things by 2030.



After 3, 4, we started talking about 5G technology. 5G, like we’ve never experienced It will offer a fast and fluent internet connection. Cloud-based gaming services like Google Stadia and NVidia GeForce Now will increase usage, platforms like Spotify and YouTube will improve their streams, and AR and VR technologies will become more pervasive than ever before. By 2024, 40% of the world’s mobile traffic data is planned to be provided over 5G.

We have listed some of the prominent technology news especially in the last year and briefly How will these technologies follow in the future? we told. You can share your thoughts on all these technological developments that have been or will be experienced in the comments.

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