The most ‘humanoid’ robot Ameca is introduced!

Engineers are truly amazing humanoid robots is developing. The most famous of these is probably Boston Dynamics. Atlas is a robot. In addition to universities and technology companies, Tesla He is also working in this field. It should be noted that many robots perform many functions, including sitting, running, and somersaulting. But perhaps the most realistic so far is Engineered Arts’ new robot ameca.

Engineered Arts, the UK’s leading designer and manufacturer of humanoid recreational robots, introduced the Ameca. Here are the features of Ameca, which the company introduced with a short YouTube video…

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The humanoid robot Ameca has these features

Ameca’s notable features are on the head, face and hands. artificial leather and muscle structure it’s coming to be. Robot developed for chat movements and gestures extremely realistic. The natural appearance of her face and the fluency of her movements surprised the audience. It even went viral on social media.

Features of the humanoid robot Ameca

As for the technology of this humanoid robot, the combination of mechanical limbs, actuators and sensor arrays seems like cutting edge. anyway Engineered Arts He has been working in this field since 2005. So he’s been working for 16 years to design a perfect humanoid robot. Meanwhile, the company’s first robot is ‘Thespian’was.

While the upper part of the robot has remarkable features, the lower half is currently not functional. Engineered Arts noted that the robot can’t walk yet. However, the purpose of Ameca is to walk, not jump. Ameca, which allows robotics developers to test their technology tritium supported by the operating system. However, it should be noted that Ameca does not have an artificial intelligence support.

Using the humanoid robot Ameca, companies artificial intelligence or machine learning can test their technology in front of a live audience. According to the statement on its website, Engineered Arts can hire Ameca for trade shows or live TV broadcasts.

The company uses a modular architecture to build its robots. Thus, without having to buy a completely new robot, software as well as equipment components can be upgraded. So sooner or later Ameca will also walk. ameca, January 2022planned to be CES 2022It will be officially exhibited in .

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