The Mathematics Question That Divides Social Media In Two

Let’s see if you can solve the math question asked in Ekşi Sözlük that people are fighting over.

One of the magical aspects of mathematics is that even a single small detail can lead you to completely different answers. Of course, this may cause some controversy. Because in the face of a question, there is an answer that everyone knows to be correct from their own point of view. Today is a very good example of this subject. Here we are with a math question.

A math question shared in Ekşi Sözlük, divided the lexicographers into two. People trying to solve this math question about exponents concentrated on two different answers. The interesting thing is that everyone accepted their own answer as the absolute right and harshly criticized the other answers as wrong. Now we will ask you this question, and then we will look at the answer together.

What should be the answer to this exponential number question?

Did you find the answer? Let’s take some more time.

So let’s get to the answer.

To find the answer to the question 4 different math teachers We posed this question. All gave the same common answer. Before moving on to this answer, we will talk about the solution that causes most people to solve it incorrectly. We will then move on to our answer that has been verified by our math teachers.

The main reason why this question, which includes exponential numbers, is so confused, not specified in parentheses; but still there is no problem with the question. Before we move on to the correct answer, let’s say the answer that I found to be “correct” at first, which caused people to split into two. Most people answered “3” to this question.

Because in all the exponential numbers here, one of the exponents was 0, and for this reason, 1 should be the result no matter how many numbers there are. However, in order to achieve this result, exponential numbers had to be written in parentheses. In the question here, the exponential numbers must be counted from above.

So what is the correct answer to the question?

exponential number questions


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What we need to do in this question is to start counting the exponents from above. This means that the quotient up to where the exponent will be 0 will be 1, and those below it will give us the number. As you can see in the image above, the first of the exponential numbers is 3 to the power of 3; ie 27, the second number is 2 to the 4th; ie 16 and finally 6 to the power of 1; that is 6. When we add these three numbers together, we get 49.

So, did you find the correct answer? Let’s meet in the comments.

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