The Mansion Secretly Built on top of a Skyscraper

Of course, everyone has the right to renovate and beautify their home. So how far do you think this “beautification” process can go? In this content, we will examine the story of the man who secretly built a mansion on the attic.

Imagine, you are investigating the water dripping from the ceiling or the source of the endless renovation noise and you find yourself in the attic of your apartment. a mansion built in secret you find.

This event, which seems quite extraordinary and even impossible, in Beijing, China it came true.

Professor Zhang Lin secretly built a mansion on the rooftop of a 26-storey building!

This madness started in 2010 when the president of a local pharmaceutical company Professor Zhang Lin It was done by.

Professor Zhang Lin secretly for 6 years This mansion he built was not an ordinary house.

Swimming pool, sun terrace and even a vineyard There was even

Although the neighbors made various complaints, Professor Lin ignored them.

secret mansion

During the construction of this mansion, both the structural integrity of the building was compromised and neighbors were harmed.

Wall cracks and pipe leaks have occurred in the apartments, and some apartments even collapsed due to the weight of the structure. under water was left.

Professor Lin, who never fails to throw parties in this mansion loud parties Not to mention, of course.

This crazy project, which was secretly built by Professor Lin, who was later exposed, was closed due to security concerns. It had to be demolished.

The structure was so large that demolition It took more than a year…

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