The major attack on Kyiv is imminent

Satellite image of Ukraine

This satellite image provided by Maxar Technologies shows a military convoy northwest of the Ukrainian city of Invankiv.

(Photo: dpa)

Berlin, New York, Rome Ukraine faces tragedy, bloodshed. Russia is moving more and more troops to Ukraine. Satellite images from a US company show that a 64-kilometer column of armored vehicles, rocket launchers and personnel carriers has been rolling towards Kyiv since Tuesday night. Military strategists expect the Ukrainian capital to be surrounded.

Russia’s war experiences in Syria could serve as a model: there, large cities like Aleppo and Idlib were surrounded and bombed ready for a storm. Kharkiv, the second largest Ukrainian city, is already under massive artillery attacks.

According to investigations by the respected researchers from the Bellingcat organization, internationally banned cluster bombs are also used in bombings in Kharkiv. So more civilians will be hit. In the past, Bellingcat has precisely proven Russian war crimes, such as the downing of Malaysia Airlines’ civilian MH-17 aircraft over the Donbass by a Russian Buk surface-to-air missile.

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