The launch date of the Mac mini with the M2 Pro processor has been leaked!

Apple has long had a new mac mini He is still working on the model. So much so that the company was expected to introduce the new Mac mini model at the event in March. However, it introduced the Mac Studio device at the event. A new claim has been made for the Mac mini with the M2 Pro chip, which has not yet had much leak news.

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Mac mini with M2 Pro chip to perform at WWDC 2022

The annual WWDC event will be held on June 6 this year. According to information previously obtained from important sources, Apple will announce two new MacBooks at the event. However, it seems that another product will take the stage at the event. According to the latest information, the Mac mini with the M2 Pro chip will be introduced at WWDC 2022, which will start on June 6th.

Apple has achieved successful graphics with the ARM-based M1 family it uses in laptops and mini computers. The company, which wants to continue its success, M2 and M2 Pro It is stated that the model will appear in front of users.

According to some previously obtained information, Apple was said to introduce 2 M1 chip Mac products at the WWDC event. LeaksApplePro, which usually publishes accurate Apple leaks, came up with the claim of Mac mini and M2 MacBook Air with M2 chip.

Apple’s choice of WWDC for the Mac mini with the M2 Pro chip was met with interest by its followers. Because the company prefers to promote its important products with its own event. Because the last MacBook Air and M1 chip were launched at a special event held on November 10, 2020.

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