The Images of the Man Whose Face Was Changed After the Operation He Had in Turkey Were Fake

Images of a man whose face was completely changed after the operation he underwent in Turkey went viral on social media. It turned out that the images were fake and that the man called “Michael” was actually a Turk named Engin Demir.

Recently, an aesthetic operation claimed to have been performed by a company called Estemed Istanbul in Turkey was on the agenda of social media around the world. In this incident that we shared with you, a man whose name was claimed to be Michael He underwent multiple operations and his face was completely changed. had been seen.

However, this post was removed shortly after it became trending. Now, a statement has come from the person who spreads on social media as Michael. In the interview change is a complete lie appeared.

It turned out that the person called “Michael” was a Turk named Engin Demir who had a minor nose surgery.

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