The Game Industry Loses Money as the Number of Players Increases

Although playing games has become an ordinary activity that everyone does today, the economic crisis that emerged after the pandemic has deeply affected the gaming industry. Although the number of individuals playing games is increasing day by day, the gaming industry is losing money.

Video games were defined as technological “toys” that were seen as “children’s entertainment” in the 90s. But nowadays, almost everyone, from seventy to seventy, plays a little game. Of course, when you think of games, you may think of games such as Cyberpunk 2077, Valorant or Metin 2, but within the “game” category, such as Candy Crush and PUBG Mobile. mobile games too we must not forget.

According to a recent study, a record was broken in the number of players in 2022, but decreased profits from games it’s been a year. So how is it that less money is earned while more players are playing games?

It’s all because of the global economic crisis and inflation

Especially during the pandemic period, video games and game broadcasting gained great momentum in the days when everyone was locked in their homes. People who were bored of sitting at home started playing games on their computers, consoles and smartphones. Of course, even though the pandemic is over, the acting remained.. According to the data of 2022, currently in the world There are 3.198 billion players. However, the global economic crisis also injured the gaming industry, as it does in every field.

According to research prepared by Newzoo, profits from games fell for the first time in 15 years. In 2021, the game industry in total $192.7 billion it had made a profit, but according to the research conducted in the autumn of 2022, this figure was fell to $184.4 billion. At first glance, this gigantic industry is only 8.3 billion dollars Its regression may seem trivial to you, but it is actually quite important.

Game makers and huge studios constantly prefer to make games that can be played for a long time and can earn money. Some companies price a game at $60 and offer you a few enjoyable hours, while others offer a free game to download and play.Battle Pass” and every year from players with chests making billions of dollars.

The game industry is in better shape than the cinema and other entertainment industries.

The game industry, which is the largest entertainment industry in the world, was the industry that came out with the least damage from the economic crisis that swept the world after the pandemic. Inflation experienced in 2022 affected digital broadcasting platforms as well as gaming, cinema and television industries. In other sectors besides gaming 6% to %11th While there is a regression among 4.3% was the sector least affected by this situation.

According to the results of the research, even though the paid games have regressed slightly, the point where the industry lost blood. there are free games. According to the research, the decrease in the money given to “in-game payments” in free games on computers and mobile devices caused the gaming industry to decline for the first time in 15 years.


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According to the analysis of Newzoo, the game industry in 2023 may exceed $200 billion. Of course, let us remind you that these analyzes may be valid in case of overcoming the economic crisis.

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