The Expected Meeting in Bitcoin Has Started! You Can Watch Live Here!

The much awaited meeting has begun. Circle’s Jeremy Allaire, FTX’s Sam Bankman-Fried, Bitfury’s Brian Brooks, Paxos’ Chad Cascarilla, Stellar’s Denelle Dixon and Coinbase’s Alesia Hass will be speaking to Congress. You can watch the meeting live from the link below.

What Happened?

Maxine Waters, chairman of the House of Representatives Financial Services Committee, stated that leading US crypto money companies will also be consulted in the session to be held on December 8th.

Accordingly, some stock market CEOs were on the witness list for the session in the House of Representatives.

The topic of the session planned to be held in Congress today is as follows; “Digital Assets and the Future of Finance; Understanding the Challenges and Benefits of Financial Innovation in the United States.”

During the meeting, information from Jeremy Allaire of Circle, Sam Bankman-Fried of FTX, Brian Brooks of Bitfury, Chad Cascarilla of Paxos, Denelle Dixon of Stellar and Alesia Hass of Coinbase are expected to be consulted.

Sam Bankman-Fried of FTX said he was honored to testify before Congress.

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