The European Union Will Open a New Investigation into Apple and Meta

It was claimed that the European Union would open a new investigation against Apple and Meta. However, companies remain silent on the issue for now.

The European Union is cornering the tech giants Digital Markets Act(DMA) continues to apply. The European Union has already imposed various sanctions on companies such as Apple and Meta within the scope of the law. But what happened it won’t be just these looks like. Because, according to statements from various sources, the European Union is preparing to open new investigations against Apple and Meta.

Financial Times published a report yesterday stating that the European Union is against Apple. a new investigation He claimed that he was on the verge of opening. Allegedly, the European Union rejected Apple’s Regarding purchasing options has some doubts.

Meta will be examined due to its paid subscription package in Europe.

A few hours after the Financial Times reported from Reuters Similar news came. According to the company’s claim, the investigation in question would not be specific to Apple. Meta was also under investigation. Allegedly, the reason Meta is being investigated is related to Instagram’s paid subscription packages in Europe.


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There is no information from either Apple or Meta about the development, which is still very hot. no explanation came. European Union officials did not make a statement on the issue. However, the investigation next week It is claimed that it will be opened. Let’s see what will happen next week…

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