The 11 Most Important Post-Credit Scenes of the Marvel Cinematic Universe

Marvel Cinematic Universe movies have a long tradition: post-credit scenes. If you are wondering what the post-credit scene of the most important Marvel Cinematic Universe movie to date is, let’s take you this way.

The Marvel Cinematic Universe entered a whole new phase after Avengers: Endgame. In the new phase, we met brand new superheroes such as Eternals and Shang-Chi and continued Spider-Man’s adventures with No Way Home. Now we have Doctor Strange: Multiverse of Madness movie in front of us, how do we know? Post-credit scene of Spider-Man: No Way Home thanks to.

Post-credit scenes (maximum 5-minute scenes after the contributors) are related to the next movie after the movie you watched. scenes with exciting detail and being in every Marvel movie has become a tradition. In this article, we have The most important post-credit scenes in Marvel movies we brought together.

The most important post-credit scenes that have a direct impact on the Marvel Cinematic Universe:

  • Iron Man – The Arrival of Nick Fury
  • The Incredible Hulk – Tony Stark forms the team
  • Iron-Man 2 – Thor’s hammer Mjolnir
  • The Avengers – Thanos is coming
  • Thor: The Dark World – The Collector and the Reality Stone
  • Captain America: The Winter Soldier – Scarlet Witch and Quick Silver
  • Avengers: Age Of Ultron – Second appearance of Thanos
  • Captain America: Civil War – Spider-Man is officially coming to the MCU
  • Thor: Ragnarok – Thor and Loki see Thanos’ ship
  • Avengers: Infinity War – Nick Fury’s call to Captain Marvel
  • Spider-Man: No Way Home – Venom moves to Sony universe

Iron Man – The Arrival of Nick Fury

Here is the beginning of everything. He first appeared in the movie Iron Man, starring Robert Downey Jr., in which we met with Tony Stark. Marvel Cinematic UniverseThus, he took the first step towards a legend. of the movie post credit scene He was just as important as he will be the director of SHIELD on stage and later the head of the Avengers team. Nick Fury We see.

Tony Stark, who managed to defeat Iron Monger, goes to the living room and sees a strange and mysterious man sitting in the dark. This guy who introduces himself as Nick Fury wants to talk to Tony about the Avengers Initiative

The Incredible Hulk – Tony Stark forms the team

The Incredible Hulk, the movie that comes right after Iron-Man and where we meet Bruce Banner, although it only tells the origin story of the Hulk. post credit scene perhaps the most important scene.

In the post credits scene of The Incredible Hulk, Tony Stark General Thaddeus Ross She talks to him at a bar and says they’ve formed a team. general ‘who are you?‘ and of course you mean ‘we’ here Avengers The audience understands immediately.

Iron Man 2 – Thor’s hammer Mjolnir

Iron Man 2 does not have a direct impact on the Marvel Cinematic Universe on its own. In the movie, we watch our hero Tony Stark fight the bad guys. But again, this post-credit scene is very important.

The SHIELD agent we see in the movie in the post-credit scene of Iron Man 2 Phil Coulson We see it in a region in the south. Itself Nick Fury She talks to him on the phone and says they found ‘him’. What he means by ‘it’ Thor’s hammer Mjolnirso we understand that Thor will come too.

The Avengers – Thanos is coming

The post-credit scene of The Avengers is one of the most memorable scenes in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. In this scene, Other informs his enigmatic master that Loki’s invasion of Earth has failed and that to challenge Earth’s mightiest heroes will be to court Death. At this point the master turns his back and so his Thanos We see you smiling.

The scene didn’t hint at a particular movie, but it did reveal Thanos’ presence in the universe. From that moment on, fans were sure that the Marvel Cinematic Universe would eventually Avengers and Thanos They knew it would turn into a final war between them.

Thor: The Dark World – The Collector and the Reality Stone

The post-credit scene of Thor: The Dark World, Infinity Stones (Infinity Stones) took the first steps to make us perceive them as truly dangerous objects. In order to prevent Thanos (or anyone else) from invading Asgard in order to gain access to the two Infinity Stones in the scene, Sif and Volstagg fight back as we then know as the Aether. Reality Stone He hands it over to The Collector.

Captain America: The Winter Soldier – Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver

The post-credit scene of Captain America: The Winter Soldier set the stage for the next Avengers movie. On stage, Baron von Strucker discusses the downfall of SHIELD and Hydra, and also Loki’s Staff We see him holding it. Also, for the first time as fans, this is the miracle twins movie. Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch we have seen.

Avengers: Age Of Ultron – Second appearance of Thanos

Avengers: Age Of Ultron only had one post-credit scene, this scene ThanosInfinity Gauntlet (Infinity Gauntlet) follow-up “Fine, I’ll do it myself(Well, I’ll do it myself) he said, indicating his final coming to Earth. But Age of Ultron’s post-credit scene had a story gap: What was already in Asgard’s vault? How could the Infinity Gauntlet be in Thanos’ hands?? This issue was fixed by Hela in Thor 3 and the glove in the vault fake was known to be.

Captain America: Civil War – Spider-Man is officially coming to the MCU

Captain America: Civil War not only introduced viewers to Black Panther, it also Spider-Man To the Marvel Cinematic Universe brought. That’s why the studio has produced a fun and humorous reference to Peter Parker’s Spider-Man: Homecoming movie, which hits theaters the following summer. post credit He used his scene in this movie. Appearing at the end of the sceneSpider-Man will return’ (Spider-Man will be back) had created a great excitement train.

Thor: Ragnarok – Thor and Loki see Thanos’ ship

The main plot of Thor: Ragnarok was mostly standalone and didn’t set the stage for Avengers: Infinity War as audiences thought, but the post-credits scene of the movie led to the blockbuster movie. on stage Thor and LokiWhile on the spaceship that will take them to Earth, they debate whether it’s a good idea to bring Loki back to the planet he once tried to conquer.

Thor says he feels everything will be alright for them and at that moment Thanos’ Sanctuary II ship appears above them and so we all foresee their impending doom. In fact, the beginning of Avengers: Infinity War takes place in the same environment.

Avengers: Infinity War – Nick Fury’s call to Captain Marvel

Avengers: Infinity War’s shocking ending tells us Thanos erasing half of life in the universe He showed that he used the unlimited power of the Infinity Gauntlet and achieved his goal. In the post-credit scene of the movie, he moves away from Wakanda and Thanos and people turning to dust we’re starting to see

agents Maria Hill and Nick Fury is among these people, and Fury uses a mysterious device to call for help before he’s in the dust. on the device Captain Marvel’s logo We see you and the 1-year wait for Avengers: Endgame begins.

Spider-Man: No Way Home – Venom moves to Sony universe

Tom Holland’s Peter Parker, the Marvel Cinematic Universe awaiting Earth due to Doctor Strange’s broken spell from the danger of multiple universes colliding He gives up everything to save and the movie ends. Then, in the post-credit scene, Tom Hardy’s Eddie Brock We see his character in a bar in Mexico, it turns out he came to this universe too.

Eddie Brock, chatting with the bartender, gathers information about the superheroes of this universe and suddenly Dr. Through Strange’s magic to go back starting. At that moment, the Symbiot inside Eddie Venom, leaves a part of it to this universe. This means that there is now a Venom in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and we will probably watch it in Spider-Man 4.


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Thus, the most important Marvel Cinematic Universe post-credit scenes We have come to the end of our compiled content. Please do not forget to share your thoughts and suggestions in the comments section below.

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