Textbook for Educating High School Youngsters in Love with Space Science

Have you heard before that Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, who always followed in the footsteps of science, pioneered the writing of the first Turkish astronomy book and that a crater on the Moon bears the name of Atatürk?

It was taught as a compulsory subject in all high schools from 1933 until 1979, and the book was published. Cosmography written by Ali Yar BeyIt was one of the most precious values ​​that Atatürk brought to this country.

From Copernicus, Galileo to planets, space, this course, which covers everything about black holes, is a must-read. It was removed from the curriculum after 1979. Atatürk, who is both a political and military character and attaches such importance to science, did his best to raise generations that grow up in science.

In order for the newly established Republic to raise educated generations, Atatürk also pioneered the writing of Turkey’s first astronomy book by making the “Cosmography” book, which was written with his instructions, compulsory for all high schools.

The only salvation of the country Great Leader Atatürk, who has the foresight that there is education and training based on science.tried to raise the level of education with the books prepared in line with his instructions in order to carry the Republic he founded after the struggle for independence even further.

Postwar In the country struggling with poverty, disease and ignorance, on the other hand, a Republic was being built with science and art. A new education model was adopted, students were sent abroad for education, and an exemplary country was created.

At that time, people believed that the Earth was flat or that a bull stood on its horns.

Third person from the right is Ali Yar.

No one had any idea what astronomy was. Just at a time like this”The truest guide in life is science, science.Summarizing the importance he attaches to science with his words, “Atatürk, who has written a geometry book himself, sent Ord to write a book on astronomy. prof. Dr. He made a request to Ali Yar. also at will In 1929, this book called “Cosmography” was published.

The author of the book, Ali Yar, became one of the world’s top three aircraft engineers.

Ali Yar graduated from Mektebi Sultani, which is today’s Galatasaray High School. He graduated from Paris High Aircraft School in 1912. Thus, he had the chance to become one of the first aircraft engineers in the world. He also taught algebra and astronomy at that time at Darülfünun, which is the Istanbul University we know today.

The Cosmography book, which is a source for astronomy, was started to be taught in all high schools in 1933.

astronomy book

The book, which consists of 286 pages and 21 chapters, included different topics in each chapter. In the 13th episode, a photo showing the crater on the Moon was also included. The name of the crater in this photo is named after Mustafa Kemal Atatürk.


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Although it describes astronomy in content It also reveals the importance Atatürk gave to science and education as a whole. With the sky maps, telescope information, the structure of the planets and the structure of the universe in it, many students took great interest in science at that time and were instrumental in their progress on this path.

One of these students is Fahrettin Akbulut. Akbulut will give importance to science by reading this book, which he is interested in, and will become an important mathematics professor in the future.

Names written in the book: Fahrettin Akbulut and Fatih Akbulut / Photograph: Selman Akbulut

We see that this book, which Atatürk had written, is a source of inspiration for many students. one of these names Fatih Akbulut, While examining the cosmography book, he started to be interested in astronomy when he saw photographs of planets, stars and a whole universe. After that, he will have drawn a great career plan for himself.

He graduated from the University of California (Berkeley) Mathematics department, and rose to professorship at the universities of Wisconsin and Michigan. Meanwhile, he pursues a very important answer:Is the space we live in Euclidean space or a false copy of it?”, he finds a solution that includes the prediction made by British Astronomy professor Zeeman in 1963. This finding leads him to many awards, one of which is the TUBITAK Science Award. His son Prof. Dr. Selman Akbulut grows up in love with science just like his father.

“The future is in the skies!”

ataturk and education

We understand the importance of the book more easily with this famous phrase of Atatürk. Selmans, Fahrettins, Alis, Mehmets sitting in high school rows… Many more names inspiring and open-minded The removal of this important book from the curriculum undoubtedly brought about negative developments.

Today, we witness many events and generations away from science, When they looked at this system that Atatürk thought and developed in 1929, could they have guessed that if we went back in time now, we would have covered more than today?

When we look at the starting point of our social problems that still continue today, we can understand very well how far-sighted a leader Atatürk’s love of science made him. Dedicating his life to educated generations With respect and longing to our Great Leader.


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