Tether CTO Ardoino Talks About Upcoming Ethereum Update

The CTO of Tether, the largest stablecoin project, has announced that they will fully support Ethereum’s “The Merge” update, which is expected to take place in September.

Shared on Twitter on July 31 to a post responsive Tether CTO (Chief Technology Officer) Paolo Ardoinoexpected in the coming months. Ethereum 2.0 announced that they will support the update.

CoinmarketCap according to data $66 billion have volume largest stablecoin project Tether’s CTO also called out to other stablecoin projects everyone takes responsibility and that they should avoid behaviors that will make their users suffer.

The CTO shared the following thoughts in his tweet:

It’s not about what we prefer/prefer between PoW (Proof of Work) / PoS (Proof of Stake).
Stablecoins should act responsibly and avoid glitches for users. This is really sensitive especially for DeFi (Decentralized Finance).

Tether, which continues to support the crypto money market, has recently Bitfinex and Tether in collaboration with a new decentralized communication platform the one which… Keet.iohad announced.

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