Tesla robots will take care of the elderly! – ShiftDelete.Net

Elon Musk‘s article on the prospects for the development of technologies that change people’s lifestyles has been published. successful business person Tesla He also shared his ideas about the application areas of humanoid robots developed by

Tesla Bot will cook, mow the lawn, care for the elderly

Tesla and SpaceX CEOat the end of next month Tesla BotHe stated that they plan to show a prototype of . In addition, at the company’s facilities in Texas, these robots to mass production is scheduled to pass. In line with all these plans, we can expect to see the new robot in the last quarter of this year.

1 billion dollars budget for a rival robot project from Amazon to Tesla!

E-commerce giant Amazon has announced that it will invest billions of dollars in technology. The company pays particular attention to humanoid robot work.

Elon Musk, previously explained that such robots will initially be used to perform simple and repetitive tasks. However, Musk, who said that their software will improve over time, said that these robots are for a large number of people. will turn into daily assistants believes.

Recruitment for Tesla Bot started

Tesla CEOIn the published article, he gave some more details about the robots designed by the company. Elon Musk going forward Tesla robots cooking, mowing the lawn, and acting as a caregiver for the elderly serving millions of households believes he will.

On the other hand, he also talked about his other plans. Elon MuskHe also reiterated his desire to colonize Mars. A self-sufficient person in Musk’s dream Mars colony and robots is located. Tesla and SpaceX CEO refrained from giving details on how to realize this dream.

As technology advances day by day, humanoid robots It may come into our lives in the near future. We are already looking forward to seeing robots that can help people in many ways. So what do you think about the humanoid robots Tesla plans to produce? You can share your views with us in the comments section.

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