Tesla Allegedly Working on New Air Vehicles

According to the claims made by Adam Jonas, Tesla is working on eVTOL technologies as well as many projects. So what is eVTOL? Why is Tesla thought to produce eVTOL?

We think that there is no subject left that Tesla and its founder Elon Musk do not touch. The company, which continues to develop technologically every day, manages to make a name for itself with all its old and new models and technologies.

In the past years, it was claimed that Tesla was working on an aircraft technologies, but this project was not certain. Adam Jonas of Morgan Stanley, who closely follows the electric vehicle manufacturer, claimed that this project is gaining momentum and that Tesla’s eVTOL (electric vertical take-off and landing aircraft) models may take their place in the skies very soon.

Tesla’s eVTOL vehicles may take their place in the skies in the future

Adam Jonas on Tesla’s new flight technologies probability of not working thinks it is not and “In our view, the chances that Tesla will ultimately not deliver products and services to the eVTOL/UAM market are very slim. Potential skill transferability and network affinities are too strong to ignore” gives his words. With this statement, the man talked about Tesla’s new vehicles. many more claims found.

However, Jonas also shares information about the name of the flight vehicles, as well as sharing that this technology will only be an eVTOL. These tools ‘Tesla Aviation’ He says it will be called an electric vehicle and will be an evolution of the company’s success in electric vehicle production. We have just mentioned, Tesla is coming up with a new technology every day and it seems like it will continue to come out. Adam Jonas also supports this idea, saying that Tesla will be out of eVTOL in the coming days. many more projects He says he will come in. By 2050, this and similar environmentally friendly technologies will become more common and the eVTOL market will worth $9 trillion may be presumed.

So, what is eVTOL? Why is Tesla thought to produce eVTOL?

evtol tesla

Recently, we mentioned that AirCar, which can be driven with a pilot’s license, has received an airworthiness certificate. After this development on the AirCar side, it was claimed that Tesla accelerated its work on similar flight technologies. Of course, we should also mention that; Although AirCar and eVTOL seem like similar technologies, they are slightly different from each other. aircar, needing fuel passing as a compressed air vehicle; eVTOL, on the other hand, is capable of vertical take-off and landing. powered by electricity are tools.


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For this reason, the vehicles produced by Tesla, which has become a giant name as an electric vehicle manufacturer, will be eVTOL. a higher probability. It is quite possible that Tesla will announce that it has started to produce these vehicles in the coming days. These environmentally friendly vehicles, powered by electricity, are already among the most common vehicles of the future. Who knows, maybe by 2050 we will see the whole world turn into a cartoon like the Jetsons.

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