Tesla AI Day delayed: Elon Musk comes with a surprise!

Elon Muskhas stepped up its steps towards artificial intelligence after Tesla claimed to be the world’s largest robotics company. August 19 was targeted for the second event of Tesla AI Day, which was first held in 2021. But Elon Musk, with a surprise They postponed AI Day explained.

When will Tesla AI Day be held?

According to the statement made by Tesla CEO, 2022 AI Day event date postponed. Entering the process of creating a new job for the automotive giant, Musk stated that the event was also shifted from August to September. new event date 30 September was determined as.

Nightmare days for Tesla employees: Eyes on Elon Musk!

Elon Musk thinks that tough days are waiting for Tesla. This thought could lead to radical decisions for Tesla employees.

Some time ago, Tesla CEO Elon Musk ‘feels bad’ in the company can lay off 10 percent of employees told. In fact, this also revealed how much Musk trusts Tesla robotics investments. The humanoid robot announced at the previous AI Day event Tesla Optimuswill be showcased once again with the new event.

It is thought that Elon Musk will give importance to the Tesla Optimus robot in the new conference. In his latest tweet, Musk said, “Tesla AI Day, as we can have a working Optimus prototype Postponed to September 30” said. This statement actually showed the aim of the event.

Optimus, which was announced in 2021 and managed to go viral all over the world with its humanoid movements, will undertake “repetitive, boring tasks” according to Elon Musk’s statement. Having said that he will show a working prototype in 2022, Musk wants to keep his word.

Tesla’s artificial intelligence and robotics Although his move is remarkable, let’s not forget that Musk often does not fulfill what he says. Tesla CEO, Optimus prototype While he may seem like he’s being serious about it, don’t rule out the possibility that there isn’t a working robot at the event.

Robots replacing humans In fact, it has become a routine process in factories. Robotic arms, especially those working in automobile factories, have already begun to take on “repetitive, tedious tasks.” In fact, the study says shipments of robots are breaking records.

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