Terra (LUNA) Network Suspended for Second Time in 24 Hours, But This Time The Story Is Over!

terra network’s original cryptocurrency LUNA and stablecoin on the network TOP The network also suffered disruptions while in freefall.

In particular, the validators on the network had stopped the network as it became completely immune to a possible attack after the price dropped sharply.

Although the net was reopened following the noon stop on May 12, this was not the last stop.

LUNA Stopped Again

But that wasn’t the only pause in the Terra network. Terra team officially 13 May As of now, it has once again stopped the network.

Although it is stated that more updates will come, no additional updates have come after the statement made 4 hours ago and the network is still at a standstill.

Terra’s leading cryptocurrencies LUNA and UST are currently delisted from many leading cryptocurrency exchanges.

Binance started this trend and others are continuing. It is very difficult to even count the new zeros of LUNA as the UST is pulled down to the level of $0.13 as of now.

LUNA is down 100% and From $0.00002133 is being traded. Now 6,907,376,873,996 LUNA, which has total supply, is impossible to return and an era has officially ended.

While it is not known whether the network will be relaunched, posts from people who lost their lives because of LUNA are circulating on Twitter. LUNA and UST now seem ready to be completely immersed in the digital pages of cryptocurrency history.

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