System that allows you to call the time and find out what time it is

Once upon a time, there was a system where people made phone calls to find out the time. It was used in many European countries, including Türkiye.

The system where people call and find out what time it is, “talking clock” or “talking clock service” It was said.

a specific phone number The time could be learned instantly by calling. Let’s go into the details of this system, which was also used in Turkey for a while.

A search was being made to find out the time.

The talking clock, which was first introduced in England in the 1930s. over telephone lines It was a service provided. In those days, mechanically wound watches began to show the wrong time because they slipped after a while.

Therefore, the person who wanted to know the exact time dialed the number of the talking time service. Automatically a voice response system They were being guided. The system reported the hour and minute, and the records were constantly updated.

Especially when there is no clock at home or office, When home clocks need to be adjusted or it was used when one wanted to ensure the accuracy of the time.

It was also used in Turkey.


Talking clock service in Turkey began to become widespread in the 1960s. In the service provided by Türk Telekom, 118 wanted and they had access to time information. As digital watches and mobile phones became widespread in the early 2000s, the use of talking watches decreased and disappeared.

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