“Summer house of the stars” – Lars and Dominik win! – TV

EVERYONE has been waiting for this day …

In the “Summer House of the Stars”, the last residents were looking forward to the finale. In the end, the winning couple will receive a rich windfall of 50,000 euros. But before that happened, the candidates literally rang the alarm bells. An incident paralyzed their domicile in the tranquil Bocholt-Barlo for a long time.

It had just gotten so cozy. After the exit of long-term mob Mike Cees-Monballijn (34) and his wife, “Tatort” star Michelle Monballijn (42), the house was almost relaxed. Only TV emigrants Peggy (45) and Steff (54) had something to fight out. At the last game he had exuberantly titled his wife as a “little, ugly horse”. Now Steff tried to limit the damage, asserted: “That means nothing bad. She is just beautiful. “

Peggy and Steff took 3rd placePhoto: RTL / vario images

In the evening the couples sat together again. Lars (35) and Dominik (31) expressed pimples from each other. Ben (34) and Sissi (25) indulged in “summer house” memories. It wasn’t until the next game that you became opponents again. The couples should hold as many stones as possible between their hands. The stack was not allowed to collapse for 30 seconds at the end. Peggy and Steff couldn’t do that and were the first duo to be thrown out of the race. The third-placed took it sporty, looking forward to home and especially their child.

Boredom before the next match led to a minor incident. Sissi discovered a green box on the door under the sign “Emergency exit”. All of a sudden she wanted to know from Lars: “Is it also on the outside?” The actor jumped up, jerked the box and bang, the alarm went off. A loud siren sounded through the house. While Sissi laughed hysterically, Lars shouted desperately: “Sorry, I’m stupid!” His friend Dominik was really angry. The flight attendant scolded: “You are that guest on the plane who opens the emergency exits!”

Nobody knew what to do. Everyone just covered their ears. Finally, Lars was allowed to pick up a key to close the emergency exit again. The alarm finally stopped. So the last two pairs were ready for the final game. First a piece of wood should be sawn out of a tree trunk. This triggered a mechanism that unearths a ball that had to be maneuvered through the labyrinth on a wooden plate to its target. The fastest pair wins.

Ben and Sissi came away empty-handed

Ben and Sissi came away empty-handedPhoto: RTL / vario images

Ben and Sissi already found it difficult to saw. He kept warning her: “Honey, calm down! Not by force. ”But it was of no use. Their opponents simply had the better technique. Lars and Dominik also demonstrated a calmer hand when maneuvering the ball. They were able to hit the buzzer by a large margin and thus cleared the victory and 50,000 euros.

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