Strong fifth wave at the end of the year – and fourth vaccination necessary

the Frankfurt virologist Sandra Ciesek looks back on 2021 with mixed feelings – and worries about the motivation to continue fighting the pandemic in 2022. On the one hand, we have gained a lot of new knowledge about the virus, said the director of the Institute for Medical Virology at the Frankfurt University Hospital of the German Press Agency: “In addition to the monoclonal antibodies, other new antiviral agents will be available for treatment in the next few weeks.” Nevertheless, the year went worse than Ciesek would have expected at Christmas 2020.

“The drugs are helpful, but they are not a substitute for a vaccination.” At the beginning of 2021, she assumed that the start of vaccinations would herald the end of the pandemic. “I would not have thought that so many people would not be vaccinated”, says the virologist today. “I think that’s a shame because with the vaccine we have a good tool in hand to end this pandemic.”

A lesson from almost two years of pandemic must be: “Unfortunately, you can’t make promises or exclude anything.” Will 2022 be better? “My impression is that many people no longer have any motivation to continue dealing with the pandemic.” Ciesek expects “a very high workload”, both for research and in the clinics.

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