Strange Traditions in the Middle Ages

Between the collapse of Western Rome and the Renaissance period, the Middle Ages – also known as the Dark Ages – was one of the most difficult times of life in every sense from past to present. The daily life of people who struggled with many epidemics and especially famine during the period, especially the plague, was full of unusual difficulties and desperation.

These times, when people are mainly trying to cope with misery, The “unluckiest” period to be born, stigmatized as “unlucky” was expressed as. The Middle Ages were the years when the human population was quite unstable due to such reasons, and the dirt and carelessness was at its peak.

In addition to these negativities and difficulties, the practices that these people have adopted and continued in their daily lives are: pretty weird and hard to believe sizes.

The most striking application of the period was undoubtedly the animal courts.

In the Middle Ages, courts weren’t just set up to judge people. There were 85 court records at the time that the accused was an animal, and all animals from insects to big headswere brought to court on suspicion of violating the law when deemed appropriate.

The most frequently tried animals in these courts were pigs, which were convicted and involved in many crimes, from gnawing human bodies to eating children. These pigs put on trial are often found guilty, by hanging or burning at the stake was being executed.

horse in animal courts

Apart from the pigs, a letter was written asking the mice to leave the buildings where they made their nests. Since a rooster lays eggs, this behavior was considered unnatural, even a dolphin. was placed on the defendant’s seat in court.

Every year, the “Feast of the Fools” was celebrated at the beginning of January.

feast of madmen in the middle ages

The feast of the insane, which took its origins from a pagan festival, brought many people together for fun in medieval Europe. In this celebration, the highest-ranking officers move to the lowest rank, servants become masters and a king was chosen from the crowd.

Although it was desired that this holiday be limited to the church in the first place, this holiday became very colorful with the participation of the public and became popular. costumes, comic performances, men’s women’s women’s men’s disguises, and parades It was the scene of various entertainments such as

In the Middle Ages, football was not a sport for having fun, but an activity with violence and danger of death.

football in the middle ages

Football didn’t have any rules back then and the whole village with numerous players could be played. For this reason, it was not the ball that was kicked, but the players of the opposing team.

To a player trying to score a goal, Everything was fair except murder. Due to the death and violence brought about by these irregularities, King II. It is stated that Edward banned this sport.

In this dark age, when it came to marriage, there were some very unusual and unbelievable practices.

marriage in the middle ages

Generally speaking, women without a voice are seen as ready for marriage when they reach the age of 12-13, especially if these women are from an upper-class family. She could not choose who she would marry.. These marriages were carried out largely for political and political purposes, and the privacy of the husband and wife was completely disregarded.

The first meeting of newlywed couples in the bedroom, being watched and approved by the couple’s inner circle. The reason for such a violation of privacy, which is one of the basic building blocks of marriage, was that marriages were not made with an official ceremony and men and women could get married in minutes, whenever and wherever they wanted.

In this case, couples it’s hard for them to prove they’re really married and for this reason, approval was deemed necessary in the presence of humans rather than gods.

The people of the Middle Ages, who were condemned to forced marriages, were trying to love and be loved in the real sense under the name of “palace love”.

courtly love in the middle ages

This courtly practice allowed lords and ladies to form a bond of affection with whomever they desired, regardless of whether they were married or not. People who live in palace love are inappropriate for this age. giggle, laugh, dance and hold hands Such behaviors were allowed, but sexual intercourse was strictly prohibited. Courtly love was so widespread that even a list of rules was written about the practice.

Medieval courts encouraged married couples who had problems with each other, not to compromise, but to violence.

courts in the middle ages

When couples go to court, the man goes into a pit with one hand standing behind his back, while the woman She was circling the man with a bag full of stones.. These courts, consisting of a one-time fight, were the most common accepted means of resolving disputes between couples.

The understanding of beauty of women who lived in this period was quite different from today’s.

women in the middle ages

While eyelashes are very important for women nowadays, the secret of beauty was back then. was a hairless face and eyes without eyelashes. Since the forehead was seen as the center of the face, women aimed to highlight their foreheads more by removing their eyebrows and eyelashes.

these women she even willingly plucks her eyelashes she even plucked her hair out to reveal and perfect her facial beauty. After this fashion was over, women whose eyebrows did not grow as before, found the solution to draw eyebrows for themselves.


Painful Methods Used to Be Beautiful Throughout History

The unconventional clothing adopted by men was also one of the issues that attracted attention.

men in the middle ages

Dress style for upper-class men in this dark age symbolizing their wealthas well as their expressing their superiority over poor people It was the way they used. For this reason, many strange fashion trends emerged, such as long and pointed men’s shoes. It was believed that the longer and more pointed the shoes that men wore, the greater the wealth of that person.

In addition, men started to choose clothes that reveal their bodies more during this period. wearing short tunics and tights under these tunics was quite common.

The jesters of the period had certain privileges.

medieval jesters

Wearing hats inspired by donkey ears The remarkable jesters were approached quite optimistically in the palace. Jesters could easily joke with and criticize lords and ladies. While other people were strictly forbidden to voice their political views, the hated jesters were able to express their opinions freely.

They had a unique dish called “helmeted chicken”.

medieval food

Food varieties for the poor in the Middle Ages were often was bland and the same. But for the rich, there was no limit to eating and drinking. This segment loved to eat so much that they were experimenting and creating interesting designs in order to create different flavors.

It is one of the most striking designs of the upper class, who want to cook creative and even more satisfying meals by combining different tastes. where the chicken is seated on the back of a braised pig It was a helmeted chicken.

The “unicorn” was a symbol for these people.

unicorn in the middle ages

medieval people, to religion and mythology He was very fond of, and interestingly enough, these two phenomena were often related. The emphasis on the unicorn was probably due to a mistranslation of a word meaning ox, and people’s belief that Jesus was likened to a unicorn in the Bible.

During the period, only virgin girls could touch unicorns, and on the other hand, this mythological animal, The conception of Jesus in his mother’s womb was also considered an unpleasant symbol.

It was very important for the people of this period to welcome death well due to the contagious diseases that raged during the period.

death in the middle ages

Plague was widespread in the Dark Ages and thought of death It always occupied people’s minds. The people, who felt close to death and thought about death all the time, found the way to die as a good and perfect person by embellishing.

For this reason, an “art of death” called “aes moriendi” emerged. The basis of this movement was to die like a Christian. So the death of the person planned and peaceful should have. The deceased was dressed in beautiful clothes by the clergy, and this farewell was made at length without haste.


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