Straitjacket Was Actually a Torture Tool!

Even though the straitjacket, which we rarely encounter in real life but which we come across in TV series and movies, is used as a brutal tool that bears the traces of a dark period in human history, most people do not know this. Moreover, the reason it was invented was as a torture tool!

Generally used to control mentally ill patientsThis clothing is tight and restricts freedom of movement; Over time, it was used as both a treatment tool and a torture tool.

Okay but a simple shirt What kind of torture tool could it be?

It emerged as a “strait vest”.

This shirt, which emerged in the 18th century, left a striking mark on the mental illnesses and treatment methods of that period. At that time, mental illnesses were not understood as we know them today. For example, doctors as a cause of mental illness They showed excitement, sunstroke and, best of all, reading novels!

Of course that’s why ‘mental patient’ Many people had to wear this shirt. That’s why ways to control and neutralize mentally ill people began to be sought. As a product of this search, the famous straitjacket emerged.

However, contrary to popular belief, the purpose of this shirt was not to treat, but to control.


Mental patients at that time There was almost no possibility of real treatment. and this shirt was preferred to neutralize them. Patients were considered “out of danger” when they wore this shirt.

These people, who have been removed from society, are kept under inhumane conditions and this shirt is almost like a gift for them. to the torture device He had returned. How Does?

People in the hospital were tortured by making them wear this shirt.

history of straitjacket

People with their hands and arms tied; They were defenselessly waiting for the torture to end. This shirt, which was actually invented to restrict movements, was used far beyond its intended purpose. And not just the patients; Prisoners also wore them.

These shirts restrict even breathing, It leaves people defenseless against all kinds of torture. Its use has become true over time, but its improper use in the past has hurt many people…

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