Still important open questions in traffic light negotiations

Fridays for Future: Demonstration in Berlin

According to an agency report, no agreement has yet been reached on the subject of climate either.

(Photo: dpa)

Berlin After just under three weeks, negotiations on a traffic light coalition begin a new round. After the first working group results were submitted to the party leaderships of the SPD, Greens and FDP on Wednesday, points remained controversial in key areas. According to dpa information, this includes the topics of climate protection, finances, traffic, and foreign and defense policy.

The open questions are now to be clarified under the leadership of the party chairman. The traffic light parties want to conclude the negotiations by the end of November. The previous Finance Minister, Olaf Scholz, will be elected Chancellor by the Bundestag and his cabinet will be sworn in during the St. Nicholas week from December 6th.

The coalition negotiations officially began on October 21. Before that, the SPD, FDP and the Greens had already negotiated an exploratory paper in which the first cornerstones were defined. After that, hardly anything from the discussions of the working groups leaked out. That did not change on Wednesday after the deliberations were concluded. It was expected that points would remain open in particularly controversial areas such as climate and finance.

The party leaderships had given the working groups very detailed guidelines on how they had to deliver their results by Wednesday at 6 p.m.: the small groups up to three pages, the large ones up to five, font size 11, Calibri, line spacing 1.5. The individual results should be brought together in the next few days before work on the still open points begins.

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Most people in Germany, however, do not believe that the ambitious schedule can be kept to the election of the chancellor. According to a survey by the opinion research institute YouGov on behalf of the German Press Agency, 50 percent expect an extension. Another 10 percent even believe that the talks will fail. Only 23 percent expect the government to be sworn in in the Bundestag by December 10, as planned.

The Greens had also questioned the punctual conclusion of the negotiations and expressed their dissatisfaction with the progress, especially on the issue of climate protection. Baden-Württemberg’s transport minister Winfried Hermann (Greens) even warned of new elections.

Despite all skepticism, the SPD wants to stick to the existing schedule. “Olaf Scholz is to be elected as the next Chancellor in the week after Nikolaus,” said Secretary General Lars Klingbeil of the “Rheinische Post” (Wednesday). “We’ll discuss whether that happens on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday.”

To the dissatisfaction with the Greens, Klingbeil said that it was in the decisive days. “There are 300 specialist politicians from three parties who want to push through their main topics. It is totally normal for something to get stuck – and still: it will work in the end. ”You now come to the home straight,“ where everyone makes their point of view again ”.

More: Comment: Because the Greens overestimate themselves: The traffic light is not as stable as it seems

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