Stellantis Will Make Money By Collecting Data From Cars

Stellantis, the owner of many automobile giants including Fiat, Peugeot, Opel, announced its new initiative called ‘Mobilisights’ within the scope of CES 2023. With this initiative, the company wants to convert the data it collects from the vehicles into revenue.

Dutch-based owner of many automobile giants, including Fiat, Peugeot, Opel stellantisannounced a brand new business model today at CES 2023. The giant company started this new initiative to increase its revenues.Mobilisights’ He stated that his name was given.

According to Stellantis’ statements, Mobilisights converting data collected from tools into marketable products and revenue was established for This move of the auto giant will reduce its software-related services annually until 2030. 20 billion dollars introduced as an important part of revenue generation goals.

The data collected from the tools will be transformed into services that customers can request.

If we open the new venture a little more, the main idea here is, transfer data collected from millions of tools into applications or services that customers may want. convert. For example, the data can be used to provide personalized usage-based services, to detect road hazards or to provide information about traffic.

In addition, Stellantis, which wants to expand its data-as-a-service (DaaS) business model with the services and applications it has developed here, offers Mobilisights products to private companies, public institutions and education and research institutions. can be sold he says too.

As you can imagine, collecting all this data privacy concerns it brings with it. The company and its partners, who want to have 34 million connected vehicles by 2030, say that this data will be anonymized and will be used only for certain services they choose. That too with a very strict privacy policy is stated to be done.

Stellantis plans to invest more than $33.7 billion in software and electrification by 2025

Stellantis’ new venture is the latest part of its plans to expand revenue-generating methods. Incorporating 14 brands from Alfa Romeo to Jeep, from Citroen to Peugeot, the company previously focused on software and electrification by 2025. More than $33.7 billion he said he was going to invest. In addition, this investment will continue until 2024. 4,500 software engineers It was also stated that it included recruitment.

Initiatives like Mobilisights have come from other automakers before. General MotorsIn 2020, it launched an insurance service that took advantage of the massive amounts of data collected through its in-car service called OnStar.


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