Another one of the discount processes that Steam launches at certain periods is here with indie games.
The fact that game prices have reached serious levels has made it increasingly difficult for many of us to access games. For this reason, the discounts that many of us are chasing allow us to buy the games we follow at much more affordable prices. Recently launched on Steam Game Devs of Color Expo 2024 also hosts numerous indie games.
Like Steam’s Next Fest events, the new Game Devs of Color Expo 2024 event will offer demos of many upcoming indie games. From here The event page you can access offers numerous discounts as well as brand new games to discover.
One of the most notable games in the discounts is Tales of Kenzera: ZAU, released by EA this year. The game is on sale for $13.99 instead of $19.99, with a 30% discount. 1000XRESIST is also on sale for $8.39, with a 20% discount instead of $10.49.
Steam Game Devs of Color Expo 2024 Discounts
- OPUS: Echo of Starsong – Full Bloom Edition – 50% off
$12.49instead of $6.24 - MULLET MADJACK – 20% off
$10.49instead of $8.39 - 1000XRESIST – 20% off
$10.49instead of $8.39 - Wandering Sword – 12% off
$24.99instead of $21.99 - Virgo Versus The Zodiac – 50% off
$10.49instead of $5.24 - Venba – 40% off
$7.99instead of $4.79 - Knights and Bikes – 50% off
$10.49instead of $5.24 - Loddlenaut – 50% off
$8.99instead of $4.49 - Steel Assault – 50% off
$14.99instead of $7.49 - Tales of Kenzera ZAU – 30% off
$19.99instead of $13.99 - Anodyne – 60% off
$5.79instead of $2.31 - CorpoNation: The Sorting Process – 35% off
$7.29instead of $4.73 - Chessarama – 25% off
$7.99instead of $5.99
Enis Kirazoğlu Introduced Phew Phew Games’ New Game
So which game caught your attention from the discounts? You can share your thoughts with us in the comments section below.
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