Statement from the President on Exorbitant Prices

President Erdoğan made statements about the high price problem, which has been talked about loudly lately. “I hope we will bring inflation under control as soon as possible,” said Erdogan, while also admitting the existence of exorbitant prices in the markets.

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, “Hopefully, we will bring inflation under control as soon as possible and We will prevent exorbitant price increases With his words, he gave hope to citizens who faced high prices in almost every product they wanted to buy for a long time.

“We will raise the welfare level of our nation even higher by fighting both the rise in costs and the opportunists.” said Erdogan, “We paid the price to be paid, it will be endured we endured all the troublesNow is the time to collect the proceeds of these and build a great and powerful Turkey step by step. He painted a positive picture for the near future.

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