Statement from Telegram to Koin Bulletin: Allegations are baseless and dangerous

Telegram made a statement to Coin Bulletin on the subject after a Twitter user claimed that he had obtained 137 GB of conversation archive by exploiting the vulnerability on Telegram and that he would disclose many phenomena in the crypto money ecosystem.

Telegram official Remi Vaughn the user who claims to have obtained the data in his statement, “security bugbecause it has not contacted Telegram regarding ” and that this vulnerability because it is unfounded talked about.

Telegram conversations made by names in the cryptocurrency community 2019 The user who claims to have archived it since on 3 different dates He also stated that he will publish it.

Claims to Disclose Cryptocurrency Phenomena and Groups: 137GB Telegram Archive

Related article: Claims to Disclose Cryptocurrency Phenomena and Groups: 137GB Telegram Archive

In a statement to the Telegram Coin Bulletin:

“The Telegram security team has not been contacted about the mentioned problem, and we also consider the mentioned vulnerability to be a false allegation at most. The shared posts and claims have all the hallmarks of a comprehensive fraudulent operation. Presumably, this person aims to spread malware with the archive he claims to exist and aims to hijack users’ accounts.” said.

He ended the mail by requesting to share his Telegram statements with Koin Bulletin readers.

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