Spotify ‘Like’ Button Is Gone, Adding to Playlist Is Here

Removed the heart button on Spotify that allows songs to be added to the ‘Liked Songs’ list. Now the “+” button allows songs to be added to either ‘Liked Songs’ or any playlist.

The world’s most popular online music and podcast platform Spotifyhas launched a new feature that will delight all users. new feature, add playlist of songs makes it extremely easy.

Spotify users know; browsing songs and podcasts heart shaped there is a button. When this button is pressed, the relevant content is added to the playlist named “Liked Songs”. Here this button is gone and replaced by “+A new button “. This button offers more functionality for what happens to songs and podcasts.

Adding to playlists made easy

As you know, the heart button allows songs to be added directly to the ‘Liked Songs’ list. New ‘+’ button This will be the action that will take place when you first touch it, and the button, green teakwill turn into e. When you touch this green tick your playlists will open and you will be able to add the song to the playlist you want.

Spotify new feature

Spotify’s new feature is now iOS and Android started to reach its users. But how long will this distribution process take? not sure. You can start using the feature immediately, or you may have to wait for a while.


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