Special Communication Tax increased by 123 percent!

One of the points of interest as we enter the year 2023 was taxes. Along with the statement made in the Official Gazette, the special communication tax that will appear in 2023 has also been determined. We are faced with a large increase in the newly determined special communication tax.

More than 100 percent increase in Special Communication Tax

According to the statement made in the Official Gazette, the Special Communication Tax was increased in the revaluation rate. The amount paid for the Special Communications Tax, which was increased by 122.93 percent, thus increased from 117 lira to 260 lira.

The new tax amount, which will be published in the Official Gazette and will come into effect in 2023, will add new amounts to our telephone and internet bills. Thus, we will pay the special communication tax collected by dividing it over 12 months as 21.67 TL instead of 9.75 TL on each invoice. This means that an extra 11.92 TL will be added to the invoices for each month.

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The new decision published by the Ministry of Treasury and Finance through the Official Gazette was announced as follows:

ARTICLE 1- (1) In the third paragraph of Article 39 of the Expense Taxes Law No. 6802 dated 13/7/1956, “In the first establishment of the mobile phone subscription (for data transfer between machines for remote monitoring and execution of work and services by a central server and for their execution) Twenty million liras additional special communication tax is collected (excluding the first establishment of a mobile phone subscription and operator changes, which are not used for audio, visual communication or general purpose internet access except for the mandatory ones). This amount is applied every year by increasing the revaluation rate determined in accordance with the provisions of the Tax Procedure Law No. 213 with respect to the previous year. Fractions that do not exceed five percent of the calculated amount are not taken into account. provision is included.

(2) With the Tax Procedure Law General Communiqué (Sequence No: 542) published in the Official Gazette dated 24/11/2022 and numbered 32023, the revaluation rate was determined as 122.93% for the year 2022.

(3) Accordingly, the aforementioned fixed tax amount will be applied as 260.00 TL as of 1/1/2023.

MADDITION 2- (1) This Communiqué enters into force on 1/1/2023.

ARTICLE 3- (1) The provisions of this Communiqué are executed by the Minister of Treasury and Finance.

It seems that taxes will increase significantly with 2023. So what do you think about the 122.93 percent increase in the special communication tax? You can share your views with us in the comments section.

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