SPD accuses Union Fakenews, CSU / CDU of the traffic light “party political games”

The Acting Minister of Health Jens Spahn (CDU) calls for Traffic light groups on, even the Responsibility for the planned new regulations to take over. The SPD, Greens and FDP have improved a lot and responded to criticism, says Spahn in a brief intervention as a member of parliament. This is important and correct because it expands the catalog of measures. However, if the majority of the traffic lights decide in favor of this path, contrary to its suggestions, “please do not always take someone else as a key witness for it”.

Spahn says it is a difficult situation for a caretaker government with an emerging new majority. His department helped the political groups with formulations. However, the SPD, Greens and FDP did not take any of the suggested ways how the framework for action could be maintained for the federal states. He would like the countries to have more options to react.

Few would have predicted the dynamics of the past three weeks, and no one knew how it would develop. At the same time, it is just as correct that the law submitted is “better in case of doubt than when no regulation applies at all,” says Spahn.

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