Spacesuit features that the first Turkish astronaut will wear!

In the past period, TUA (Turkish Space Agency) announced that a citizen to be sent into space will be selected for Turkey’s first manned space mission. Then, the criteria that this person should have were determined. So, what features does the space suit that he will wear for 1 week from the moment of launch have?

What features does the Turkish astronaut’s space suit stand out with?

With a share made by TUA, the features and design of the space suit to be used by the first Turkish astronaut became clear. Here, the details of many parts of the clothing, which are divided into 7 different classes, from the helmet to the communication unit, are shown.

  • Helmet (Helmet)
    • These helmets are made with special gold plating to protect the space traveler’s face from the strong sun rays. This section also includes a ventilation system that provides oxygen to the space traveler.
  • Control Module (Display Control Module)
    • In the part covering the upper body of the spacesuit, there is a control module for various systems of the suit.
  • Gloves
    • These gloves are specially designed so as not to hinder the space traveler’s dexterity and with a heater to keep their hands warm.

TUA announced its criteria for the first Turkish astronaut!

TUA announced its criteria for the first Turkish astronaut!

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan announced that they will send a special person to the Space Station on the 100th anniversary of the Republic of Turkey.

  • Lower Torso
    • The lower part of the suit is developed to safely keep the space traveler’s mobility without much reduction. In addition, this section will include security lines connecting space travelers to the ISS.
  • Hard Upper Torso (HUT)
    • The upper part of the spacesuit has been developed to connect the portable life support unit on the back of the space traveler with the systems in the other parts of the suit.
  • Portable Life Support System (PLSS)
    • Located on the back of the space traveler, this bag holds everything he needs. In this section, there are many systems such as electricity, a fan for ventilation, a separate system for filtering carbon dioxide, and radio for communication.
  • Communication
    • Providing uninterrupted communication is among the most important features of these clothes. Space travelers need to communicate with space stations and the ground control center on Earth via powerful radios.

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