South Korea’s Largest Exchange Delists Litecoin (LTC)

Upbit, one of the largest cryptocurrency exchanges in South Korea, announced that it will delist (delist) transaction support for Litecoin (LTC) following its latest privacy-focused MimbleWimble development.

Upbitvia the official website 8 June in his post on 20 June since Ending transaction support for Litecoin announced.

Upbit, one of the country’s other leading cryptocurrency exchanges, on May 23. bithumb with Litecoin‘of MimbleWimble to investors after publishing its development, privacy-enhancing development risks He had issued a warning about it. In Korea, where the trading of cryptocurrencies with a focus on privacy is not allowed, exchanges have been selling cryptocurrencies after issuing such warnings. don’t delist has history.

In this direction, after a 2-week process Litecoin Announcing that it will end transaction support for Upbitmade the following statements about the delisting of Litecoin from the platform:

Upbit has requested a clarification on the privacy-focused development of Litecoin (LTC) and, based on the response to the disclosure, has initiated a due diligence process on the development that allows for private transactions. As a result of the review, it has decided to end support for Litecoin (LTC) transactions, as it has been determined that the optional function of not disclosing transaction information contained in this network upgrade corresponds to an anonymous transmission technology.

upbit, 06/30/2022 5.00′he will delist Litecoin from the date of end of transaction support for 30 days along users to withdraw funds from the platform. will allow.

CoinGecko according to data $4.38 billion between market cap and cryptocurrencies 20th place located in Litecoin (LTC)within the last 24 hours at the time of writing 0.9% with an increase from $62.26 is being traded.

Two South Korean Exchanges Warn About Litecoin (LTC)

Related article: Two South Korean Exchanges Warn About Litecoin (LTC)

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