Solana-Based Meme Coins Gained Trader $77 Thousand in 11 Days

A cryptocurrency investor turned the activity in the meme coin markets in recent weeks into an opportunity.

Blockchain platform Lookonchain to share According to the trader, in the Solana ecosystem Buy and sell with 27 different meme coins for 11 days by doing about $77,700 won. of your transactions Making money on the 21st The trader’s success rate was 78%.

Solana (SOL), in the last periods of the year meme coins and airdrops It gained great momentum with his contribution. According to TradingView data, SOL will fall within six months. more than 430% gained value.

Trader, his most successful trade 90 LEFT get in return For 302.8 SOL He did it with SolDragon (DRAGON), which he sold.

Among the meme coins that the investor bought and sold, only Redacted Remilio, PepeWifHat, SheeshSPL, Russian Solana, SUPERCYCLE and Zilla did not provide returns.

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